Month: November 2021

Possible Problems with Fasting and Autophagy

November 19th, 2021 | Posted in Info

If you’ve read the blog post on The Protective Effects of Autophagy you’ll know that evidence is mounting for the benefits of stimulating this mechanism in the body. However, as with all things moderation is the key. Too much autophagy can become a problem. It’s all about balance: Fasting is a time for cell cleansing and healing, whereas ...

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Tips for Stimulating Autophagy

November 12th, 2021 | Posted in Info

If you’ve read the blog post The Protective Effects of Autophagy you may be keen to find out how to stimulate this health enhancing mechanism. Autophagy is at the root of many longevity inducing techniques. Caloric restriction, Sirtuin 1 activation, inhibition of insulin/insulin growth factor signaling, and the administration of rapamycin, ...

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The Protective Effects of Autophagy

November 5th, 2021 | Posted in Info

There’s no doubt that diet and lifestyle affect our healthspan – this refers to the number of healthy years that you live, as opposed to lifespan which is simply the number of years that you live, regardless of quality of life. Autophagy is gaining interest in those seeking to increase their healthspan. The word autophagy is derived from the ...

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