A feast of healthy discussion

Spice Up Your Christmas
There’s nothing quite as evocative as the aroma of spices emanating from the kitchen during the festive season. Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without them. And this is no recent trend. ...

Ten Tips for Healthy Eating over Christmas
Christmas can be a joyful time of feasts, festivities and frivolities. Putting on a few pounds over Christmas is not unusual and is not necessarily a bad thing as a bit of extra padding can help ...

7 Tips for Healthy Ageing
Whilst celebrating the positive aspects of ageing we also need to recognise the realities of some age-related changes, such as decline in sensory abilities and the impact of chronic health conditions ...

Think Well, Age Well
We all know that certain dietary and lifestyle habits can improve our chances of living well into old age. However, nothing is guaranteed when it comes to ageing and there are likely to be factors of ...

Healthy Ageing
The fountain of youth may still be a myth, but life expectancy in many countries has increased over the past few decades with improvements in nutrition and health care. Ageing is now a global ...

Gum Health ~ Gingivitis vs Periodontitis
If you’ve read the blog posts Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body and Nutrition for Dental Health you’ll have some idea of the importance of dental and gum health to prevent systemic and chronic ...

Nutrition for Dental Health
The associations between oral health, diet, nutritional status, and general health are complex with many interrelating factors. Inadequate nutrition can affect many aspects of oral health including ...

Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body
Gum diseases are extremely common. They happen when plaque, a sticky film of bacteria, builds up on teeth. The earliest stages of gum disease, known as gingivitis, are reversible if treated. However, ...

Nutrients for Post-Exercise Recovery
The blog posts Post-Exercise Nutrition and Nourishment During the Window of Opportunity describe how physical activity, particularly high-intensity, strenuous or prolonged exercise produces ...

Nourishment During the Window of Opportunity
If you’ve read the blog post Post-Exercise Nutrition you’ll know that during and shortly after exercise your muscles are open to absorbing nutrients that can stimulate muscle repair, growth and ...